OSHA Asbestos Requirements

New OHSA rules require that any material containing asbestos even 1% or less must follow worker protection rules if friable or there is a potential for exposure above the PEL to workers.  Essentially friable or materials that may become friable during removal need to be removed by asbestos trained individuals.

Kilbane Environmental, Inc. Field Services provides not only design but installation services as well.

Our staff has been creating and designing wetland and rain garden sites throughout Ohio.  From small earth work projects and plantings to larger construction oversight with planting.  We've also provided various erosion and sediment control options and installation on various projects and permits.

Our staff has performed environmental services in more than 30 states

Our staff continue to work on and bid projects locally and across the country with recent projects over the last few months on the east coast in Virginia and Maryland.  Current asbestos license for Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan.
